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Tốt nghiệp đại học y học cổ truyền, trực thuộc đại học Wonkwang
Năm 2014: Giải thưởng Medical Korea do Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế ký tặng. Năm 2008~2017: 10 năm liên tục nhận giải thưởng Medical Korea
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Tạp chí học thuật
Effects of Herb-Mix Supplementation on the growth Performance and Serum Growth Hormone in Weaned Pigs. K. M. Park, Y.K. Han and K. W. Park AJAS 13(6):791-794, 2000.
骨(뼈골)碎(부술쇄)補(기울보) 활성산소로 손상된 골모세포에 미치는 영향, 박기원, 2002.
특수기능성 섬유가 심박변화도와 심리변후에 미치는 효과. 이명수, 김혜경, 김혜정, 박기원, 문성록 한국의류산업학회지 5(3):295-298, 2003.
Effect of multi-functional fabric on EEG and growth hormone level duting sleep. 박기원, 이명수, 류훈, 문성록 ISPNE, 2003.
Hibiscus Extract inhibits the Lipid Droplet Addumulation and adipogenic transcription factors Expresstion of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Myung-Sunny Kim, Join-Kyung Kim, Hye-Jung Kim, Sun-rock Moon, Byung-cheul Shin, Ki-Won Park, Hyun-Ok Yang, Shin-Moon Kim, Reakil Park; The Journal of Alternative and complementary medicine(대체상보의학저널) 9(4):499-504, 2003.
Effect of Multi-Functional Fabric on Sleep Stages ang growth Hormone Levels during Sleep. Ki-Won Park Intern. J. Neuroscience(국제신경과학학회지), 114:795-804, 2004.
Effects of Multi-Funtional Fabrics on Cardiac Autonomic Tone and Psychological State. Ki-Won Park Intern. J. Neuroscience(국제신경과학학회지), 114:923-931, 2004.
Effects of a Korean traditional herbal remedy on psychoneuroendocrine responses to examination stress in medical students: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Ki-Won Park human psychopharmacology(인간 신경정신약리학회지) human Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 19:1-7, 2004.
Effects of Nutritional Supplement with Herbal Extract on Bone Mineral Density and Height in Prepubescent Children Ki-Won Park Phytotherapy Res. 19:810-811, 2005.
Efficacy and safety of micocurrent stimulation of acupoints on the sole of the foot of children with 25 percentile stature in 25th percentile of height by age: A randomized controlled trial Ki-won Park European Journal of Intergrative medicine 8(2):122-127, 2016